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Static VS Dynamic Websites

Static VS Dynamic Websites

In simplest terms, static Web pages are those with content that cannot change without a developer editing its source code, while dynamic Web pages can display different content from the same source code. When it comes to using static or dynamic pages for parts of your company’s website, having the most advanced code on each of your pages is not important. What is important is the purpose each page serves for your website.

Static Web Pages
Static Web pages display the exact same information whenever anyone visits it. Static Web pages do not have to be simple plain text. They can feature detailed multimedia design and even videos. However, every visitor to that page will be greeted by the exact same text, multimedia design or video every time he visits the page until you alter that page’s source code.

Dynamic Web Pages
Dynamic Web pages are capable of producing different content for different visitors from the same source code file. The website can display different content based on what operating system or browser the visitor is using, whether she is using a PC or a mobile device, or even the source that referred the visitor. A dynamic Web page is not necessarily better than a static Web page. The two simply serve different purposes.

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